Bei Island Impact habe ich im Medienteam fotografiert sowie die Rundbriefe gestaltet und veröffentlicht. Wer will, darf sich gerne die PDFs auf den Island-Impact-Seiten von Love Vanuatu anschauen. Noch vor dem offiziellen Ende von Island Impact ist
Two days to New Year's Eve we went back to Efate. Mainly we supported here the colleagues of Love Vanuatu with a youth camp (and outreach afterwards) called Island Impact. And, we even meet there another YWAM team from Sydney.
During Island Impact, I had some little jobs in the media team, taking pictures and edit and publish the newsletters. If you like, have a look to the PDFs on Love Vanuatu pages about Island Impact. Since our own outreach finished with Jan 20, we returned to NZ during the last week of Island Impact outreach.